Please note: We will be closed on Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th, in observance of Independence Day.

Our team

Meet the incredible team of Alma Vet Connection below.

we offer calm and reliable care

Our team at Alma Vet Connection is here to not only treat your pets but to build connections with them, as well as you. Learn more about our team and why we love what we do.

Rebecca Steers, DVM, CVA

Veterinarian/Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist/Owner

Dr. Rebecca Steers became a veterinarian because she wanted to help people, with the bonus of helping animals too! Dr. Steers practices both conventional Western veterinary medicine and traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, so you can benefit from her belief that the more tools she has to help her patients, the better. Having graduated from Boston College with a degree in Spanish literature, she loves being bilingual because it’s another way to connect with pet owners.

The variety in Dr. Steers’ background helps her to see how each patient and family is unique. After gaining experience in shelters, research, primary care practice, and specialty practice, Dr. Steers attended the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. She eventually put those language skills to work doing research in Mexico. When Dr. Steers graduated from Tufts University in 2010, she was commissioned as a Captain in the US Army in Okinawa, Japan. There she earned two Army Achievement Medals: one for her successful contribution to opening a new veterinary treatment facility and another for her direct involvement in Operation Tomodachi’s success after the earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

Dr. Steers speaks nationally and locally on a range of topics, including leadership, mentorship, diversity and inclusion, and a variety of clinical topics, for both her veterinary colleagues and the community as a whole. However, her favorite moments are the one-on-one conversations she has every day with pet parents and the opportunities to learn more from each other.

When Dr. Steers isn’t working, she enjoys getting outdoors and hiking, even in Florida’s flat terrain, and she loves to travel. She has a soft spot for her senior citizen patients, so she tends to take in older pets, like her current dog named Jackson (also known as Goober). But, if you make her choose, her favorite animal is the cheetah.

Bucket List Item: Visit every state in the US and every continent in the world!

Zoe Rivera

Senior Veterinary Assistant

Zoë was born and raised in Florida, but she spent a little time in the Bronx. She was attracted to veterinary medicine because she wanted to take her love of animals to a place where she could help them live their lives to the fullest! She enjoys helping her patients feel safe, and she has a passion for surgery and anesthesia, ensuring they have appropriate pain control and always get the correct dose and medication. She came to Alma Vet Connection to become fully certified in Fear Free and to learn more about Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. She loves that she can help patients in so many ways and continue to grow and learn in the ever-changing field of veterinary medicine, and having a team to work with that have similar goals is an absolute pleasure. Outside work, Zoë enjoys spending time with her family and friends and looks for ways to do art in many forms, including make-up, drawing, sewing, and fashion. She has an adopted cat named Ella that has grown out of some of her kitten “craziness” and become a fantastic and emotionally intelligent companion. Zoë knows that Ella chose her so that they could be there for each other!

Bucket List Item: To live in Japan and learn everything Japanese!

Paula Ferriera

Senior Veterinary Assistant

Bio Coming Soon!

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