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Pet Allergy Assessment in Wellington, FL

If your pet is constantly scratching, sneezing, or experiencing digestive issues, they may be suffering from allergies. At Alma Vet Connection in Wellington, FL, we offer comprehensive pet allergy assessments to help identify and manage your pet’s allergies effectively.

A veterinarian in blue scrubs with a dog on the ground

What is a Pet Allergy Assessment?

A pet allergy assessment is a thorough examination conducted by our experienced veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of your pet’s allergic reactions. This process involves a combination of diagnostic tests, including skin tests, blood tests, and elimination diets, to pinpoint the specific allergens that are triggering your pet’s symptoms.

Though many of us associate allergies with the change of seasons, they’re actually a prevalent issue all year round. We want to best equip you to diagnose, prevent, and treat your pet’s allergies!

Common Allergy Symptoms

  • Excessive Licking, Biting, Chewing or Scratching (at certain areas of the body or all over)
  • Excessive Rolling or Scooting
  • Hair Loss (on certain spots of the body or thinning hair all over)
  • Reoccurring Ear Infections
  • Sores/Scabs on the Skin
  • Poor Coat Condition
  • Redness to Areas on the Skin
  • Odor

We have a variety of treatment options available for allergies. We will make a specific recommendation and treatment plan on a case-by-case basis based on our allergy assessment. Our allergy treatment plans will be perfectly for your pet! To work towards an allergy diagnosis, we may need further testing. This may include allergy testing and food trials (more information below).

Allergy Testing
This is a blood lab test that will test for environmental and food allergies. We will send this out to a lab for the most accurate results. If a pet is positive for any allergy, oral medication can be made to treat that pet’s specific allergies.

Food Trials
If there is a concern that your pet might have a food allergy, we may recommend a food trial as a good starting place. All of our food is satisfaction guaranteed with a full refund if you are unhappy with the product or results.

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